“Best” Forever Alone memes for this V-Day:

It’s 14th February, and I’m valentine-less for the 15th consecutive time. Here, I’ve piled up all the Forever Alone memes which have been made by me over a due course of period. I know, it’s a bit ironical to post about the state of being lonely when the day is all about love and being together. Anyway, life is circumscribed by ironies, and I love ironies. (There you go, I used the word “love”). Cliche.

forever alone
Advantages of being Forever Alone: 1. You get to make fun of couples who’re holding hands and “stuff.” sunglasses emoticon 2. You don’t have to share your food with anyone. grin emoticon 3. You can actually enjoy this article.
Guess, you can't spot things which don't exist.
Guess, you can’t spot things which don’t exist.
"Be proud of who you are".
“Be proud of who you are”.
I've got a better chance of finding life on sun, than hoping for that to happen.
I’ve got a better chance of finding life on sun, than hoping for that to happen.
Goddamn it! These burns shall contribute towards global warming.
Goddamn it!
These burns shall contribute towards global warming.

Me: Hey, let’s hang out together, some time, shall we?
She: Sure, can I bring my boyfriend too?

Me: Do you have any plans for this Valentine’s Day?
She: I’m taken, bro.

Hi5, anyone?
no whatsapp notif
That’s why I prefer cropping out my notification bar.
That's why, I prefer cropping out my notification bar.
That’s why, I prefer cropping out my notification bar.
 Boy, that was close!

Boy, that was close!
For Christ's sake, we should stop bringing up religion into everything!
For Christ’s sake, we should stop bringing up religion into everything!
Wonder when we'll "intersect"...
Wonder when we’ll “intersect”…
Based on a true event.
Based on a true event.
Ma, why do you always wake me up at the wrong time?!
Ma, why do you always wake me up at the wrong time?!
Man, the feels are real!
Man, the feels are real!
One day, I'll surely reach number 1! :')
One day, I’ll surely reach number 1! :’)
As she walked pass me, she smelled really good!
As she walked pass me, she smelled really good!
Accidents do happen, every once in a while, eh?
Accidents do happen, every once in a while, eh?

Well, if we see all those memes, we can jump to a conclusion saying that being a loner is both, cool (only on the internet) and sad (actually is). But, the thing which matters is, how you deal with it. You can either mourn or sulk, or make fun and laugh on yourself. This really feels awesome (at least for me).

I’ve come across a message which on the internet which said- “Don’t be sad, if you don’t have a valentine on this Valentine’s Day. Some people don’t have AIDS on World AIDS Day’. Well, I won’t say that I disagree with this statement, but when we look at it from other perspective, we can say that ‘Everyone has a a heart on World Heart Day’.

Well, I guess we approach the conclusion of this article. I’d like to take a moment and wish all the people who’re (Yeah, apostrophes are crucial) in a relationship a very happy Valentine’s Day. V-Day is not only for committed people, but for every individual who wishes to spread the idea of love and harmony.

All hail love!
All hail Forever Alon-insm.

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