Why Attaining Social Equality is Impossible

Greetings, fellas! 

It has been four months since I have written here. Thanks, in case you noticed the hiatus. Anyway, today I will try to explain why the thing for which humanity has been in an altercation since forever–Social equality is impossible to achieve.

A Slight Recapitulation

 Slavery is now de jure abolished in the world, but when we look back, slavery is one of the most dreadful of inventions of humans. Trading of humans by humans, just doesn’t sound right. Slavery in the United States of America ceased in the year 1865 after the implementation of the 13th Amendment.

Untouchability in India is also a major highlight in the history of social inequality. With all of such practices coming to an end, are we, in the 21st century all at the same social stratum? One might counter this with the fact that racism still prevails in many parts of the world, and even in developed and first world countries such as USA. Let’s make a supposition here, shall we? In the next decade racism becomes as abolished as slavery and untouchability? Are all the 8 billion or so humans at the same level? The answer still remains no, and will continue to remain no until cyborgs take over. Here’s why:

The Forest Scenario

Consider the typical situation of a forest and lifestyle of its inhabits. As the food chain goes, the herbivores attain the bottom pile of the social stratum of a forest, whilst the carnivores occupy the top of the table. This creates a sense of inferiority among the inhabitants of the forest. Throughout the history of humanity, we are made to comprehend this inequality as negative and try to abolish it. However, we seem a bit incompetent when we bluntly ignore the fact that it is this dis-balance in social stratum which keeps the forest alive. If all the creatures were equally skilled, the deer and the zebra would have equal chances of killing the tiger or the leopard, then things would go topsy turvy. Soon would come a time when the fauna would become extinct. Therefore, right from the presence of a snail to the presence of a tiger, it is equally pivotal for the well being of the forest. However, a tad ironically, they are being important to the forest as a whole at the cost of sacrificing their individual importance.

Bringing Humans into the Picture

Juxtaposing with the forest scenario, without humans, who have little or no face value socially, the human society would come to an end. We all have a housekeeper or a person who does the dishes and cleans the house. Would anyone in their childhood every dream of taking up such an occupation when they grow up? I bet not. But then again, if all us became famous and rich, there would be no one left to run the rather frowned upon chores such as taking out the trash or cleaning the gutter. Let’s analyse the life of the people who indeed are doing these jobs. Again, it wasn’t their childhood room exactly to clean toilets and wash dishes for a living. It is out of compulsion of the circumstance that they had to take up the job. Be the compulsion arise due to poor financial background of their family or illiteracy or inability to comprehend. Surely, had they been educated they would have got themselves a more decent job. This voids the place of a person who has to do the chores which we would never prefer to do it ourselves. Here is a quote which is pretty famous and manifests what I am trying to say:


The place to the top of the stratum is a competitive race. All of us might not be equipped with the necessary skills and resources, be it, intellectual abilities, financial resources, et cetera. But the one who emerges out as winner serves as the leader whilst others take place a seat lower to the leader as per their classification. Hence, competitiveness in humans is as important as losing of some, without who the creatures at the of the table won’t be able to survive for long. This scenario can best be termed as a symbiotic relationship which must and should prevail for the sake of humanity to move forward.

The situation is somewhat similar to the forest scenario as in both the scenarios the creatures at the top of the table  have a biological advantage over others. For example, a lion’s ferocious physique (which it attained biologically) is what makes it what it is–King of the jungle(forest).

I have discussed this condition of human being classification discrepancy  which bothers every rational mind to a certain extent in my previous blog which you will find under the title of  The Working Class Paradox by clicking here.

To conclude, one might say, no matter how much effort we put in to attain absolute social equality, there shall continue to prevail a variation and among humans which is necessary and inevitable. The best we can do is, treat everyone around us with dignity, integrity and respect. But what if we look at the other side, is everyone’s faith already predetermined? Are we all earmarked and destined to do what we will do? Well, that debate’s for another day!

If you have anything additional to contribute  to the discussion, please feel free to comment. I mean, seriously, it’s the 21st century, do whatever you want! And as always, special thanks if you made it all the way to the end! 🙂

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